These are some cards I've been working on. I've made a bunch but never really take the time to take pics of them and post some, so I made an effort to take a few seconds to do that this morning... These are just the fronts and have not been stuck to the actual folded card yet... I'll do that when I have enough to make it 'luhn' :)...The last two are some trail baptism cards I tried 'early' this morning... Cut out the crosses on the Cricut late last night and decided to sleep on an idea before making them... I kinda like the out come although its a little plain for my taste:P, but hey sometimes plain is good:) I'm gonna look for a way to incorporate an elegant looking sentiment maybe:P...To bad I don't have a blade for the Cricut that can hold gel pens and do some printing! :D And I guess nobodies willing to sponsor my Cricut additions huh??? :P (A) Oh well, working on getting a different accessory for it at this point, so the gel pen holder will have to wait:P Stayyy tuned for more Cricut creations:D
I trudge up the stairs to my bed room after a long day at school, and my crafting area beckons me. (Normally I still have a few drops of gas left to do something else after school but I was still feeling the after affects to cleaning two houses top to bottom and moving grandma.) I sigh inwardly knowing that first I'd have to run to the bakery, knead a batch of bread into loafs before creativity can flow. I walk past by it again on my way out, and I give in to the temptation, just a little cut here, some glue there and the gem and then I'll leave... By the time I walk out, I've created another card... (I love when that happens, the urge to create, but there always seems to be something else more important that needs to be done).
I come home from the bakery, have a little snack, I don't linger to chat like I usually do in the kitchen after school, listening to how everyones day was. I MUST create... I run up the stairs with my cup of tea, with the ever present splash of milk and sit down once again...This time, I add some sentiment, some more little cuts, and raffia. ♥ em...( BTW: The first three uploaded pics are the ones I'm talking about...Can't drag them down for some reason:( PSS: Excuse the blurry pics, had to take withoutflash:S)
nice nice :P:P i wish someone would sponsor you n get you that i cam bEnIfIt from it too ;) niceeeeeeee cards
MMmmm ich gleich deh cards!! Schon schon!
awww, i know what that's like.... making a cup of tea and finding time to hole up in crafting corner :)
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