I just came back from a walk...Just me n my iTouch n ~*~ cOuNtRy sTrOnG♪ ~*~... Sometimes you just hear a song...And you know, everytime your gonna hear it... everythings gonna b ok... This is my everythings-gonna-be-ok song:P
...i'm cOunTry stRonG...hArd 2 bReAk...just like the ground i grew up on....you may fool me and i'll fAll, but i wont stay down long....cuz i'm cOunTry stRonG♪...
It's mine, stay AWAY....far far away *insert evil smiley here* ....Or there will be consequences (A)...
(What's YOUR song...The song that speaks to you, n everytime you hear it, you just wanna replay it over n over again...Srsly...Ich vihls vissn uhm ich ehlah su weird bie:P)
Speaking of good songs...Dean Brodys - Trail In Life....Sigh....ehs awesome... (Since when am I a country fannn :S) BTW: I have them both....Vohn sah veh vehl:)
SINCE I saw THE FLIPPEN ~COUNTRY STRONG~ trailer and I WANNA, NEED TO, GOTTA see it....ASAP:D...I'm srs... It may be hazardous to my health if I have to wait to long:P Haha...Right.... So not the point of this blog...Enough gushing...On to srs matters... or not...
I had an epiphany during my walk...Granted, the only reason I did go for a walk was because I was frustrated... (Oh well that and it hasn't been this nice out in what seems like weeks). Back on track....My frustration/disappointment stemmed from something new I tried...and I didn't exactly get the product I was hoping for...BIG DEAL eh... I mean when is it ever a bad thing when things don't turn out perfectly the FIRST
TIME... (Def need to make a mental note of that) While I was walking I started thinking about what I'd tell someone else if they didn't get it just so n so the first try... I remembered something I always tell my art students...
~There are NO (triple underlined) mistakes in art, only second opportunities to create something better...~
Why couldn't I have thought of that before I got all discouraged... Guess sometimes it takes time n a walk n a breath of fresh air :D ... Oh unt before dehs figurt I made this massive ugly product....I didn't.... It just didn't turn out like I had it pictured in my mind... OBO ehs veht next time...IT HAS TO :D and IT WILL.... (Hows that for optimism).

What have YOU been up too??? Massive flu? Creating? Sewing? Postests eh BLOG UNT PICTURES su vohs ich nit ehlah brauch:) HA
Hey du!:) I just came across your blog a few days ago and was wondering who it was!:) It looks good, and yes, I have to laugh at your blog posts/writing...lol, du bist cool:)
awwww...they look cute :)
laughter is ALWAYS a good thing:) -glad someone appreciates my somewhat dry attempt at humor:P ha
-guess hits vahsts veh ich bi:) (Hi *waves hand*:) )
Cool:P really???? Well I never:P..... lol (I'll try not to let that go to my head:P) ha
wow it's pretty tough coming up with one song cause I have a 'new' favorite every week.....and for one whole week, that's my 'everythingsgonnabealright' song :)
so I can't even give you a title, cause alot of times it depends on my mood :)
oh and I wanna see that movie too........movies about music are always awesome, even when they're boring....LOL
wow, i love the look of your blog! it's like a scrapbook :)
thanks julia:P tats lah vissn how long it took me to decide on one:P decisions decisionsss :P
Anna-I have a new favorite every week too but there's some songs that just stay with me all the time...Like whenever I hear them I fall in like all over again:D PS Have you seen it yet??? :(ich vullet schu bohlt!!!!
no i haven't seen it yet.....I can't wait!!
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