I'm in love...
I knew from the first time I held her,
From the first time I kissed her,
The first cry I heard...
That if ANYONE makes
her cry ever...
They're going to have the wrath
of Aunty Mel unleashed on them...
Same goes for
my other two Princesses...
I try to think back, what life was
like before our lives were blessed
by these precious ~gifts from God~...
And I don't remember....
Cause it seems like they've colored my world of greys
and blacks to a million different colors...
And I wouldn't trade my girls for anything...
Meet my newest precious:
♥Jaycee Kate♥
who blessed the world March 5 2011

And these gorgeous little people
are Abigail and Kaylee♥:)

...there aint no cloud up in my skyyy;)...
deh sein ola lieb!! :o) we're lucky aunts aunty Mel :):) Jaycee is beautiful :):)
blessing your blog with a comment:):) eh ihs liieb...shu long kah sueh feineh zeyen. beautiful babies...unt hetz homp dis ach eh Jaycee zu spoil'n:P congrats!
thanks gurl:) yoh unt dehy veht ach spoilt vehn!:) god is good:)
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