About Me

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Hi! Wow I can't believe you honored my blog with your presence:P YOU'RE AWESOME! (Truly:D). ~First and most importantly Jesus is my ~hero♥~ & running at close second, I am an Aunty to FOUR adorable, awesome, precious girls, and ONE gorgeous boy, whom I adore :D....That's all there is to know about me...SRSLY :D

Monday, January 31, 2011

.~. tHe giFt .~. -receive it...believe it♥

...I'm probably totally breaking some unwritten blogging rule about updating 2 days in a row (A)...
But I just had to share this...Who knows how much one of you needs to read this♥...

How do we stop living like life is an emergency or something to be sped wildly through? How do we start believing that life can be carried only in the hands of the unhurried . . . a bubble held in awe. How do we stop wolfing life down?

All this or all these moments - all these are for you. Isn't that the Voice we have to learn to hear? The Voice that is telling the whole world that the earth under you and the rain over you, and all the stars spinning round you, this is for you, for you, for you.

So count the ways He loves, a thousand, more, never stop, so that when you wake in the morning you can't help unfold your hands to the heavens, and though you grieve and though you wonder, though the world is ugly, it is beautiful, and though time moves on, it's moments are holy, and though the planet spins, a blur, you can slow and you can wake and you can trust and and you can pay attention to the moments with this offering of thanks -- because this is how you spend your one life well --

Receiving each moment for what it really is: holy, ordinary, amazing grace.

A gift.

PS. Kaylee n her family were awesome:D
PSS *There's always a rainbow after the rain*


Hand n Hand said...

unreal beautiful post.... wish i could update like this.

♥sMiLeAlwAys【ツ】 said...

Didn't write it:) guilty of c and p:P

Hand n Hand said...

I know but its still beautiful...I COPIED IT :)

Unknown said...

wow, thanks :) i saved it to read again...

jul said...

... and printed it out and framed it :)lol

♥sMiLeAlwAys【ツ】 said...

i was thinking about doing the same thing yesterday :O freakyyy much lol