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Hi! Wow I can't believe you honored my blog with your presence:P YOU'RE AWESOME! (Truly:D). ~First and most importantly Jesus is my ~hero♥~ & running at close second, I am an Aunty to FOUR adorable, awesome, precious girls, and ONE gorgeous boy, whom I adore :D....That's all there is to know about me...SRSLY :D

Friday, December 10, 2010

My week in a nutshell...

For the last 5 days I've been sleeping thinking, probably even eating bits and pieces of these crazy animals...Concert costumes... Take a Super B and fill it with hot glue, that's about how much I've used this week. Make a small house our of plaster of paris bandages and that's about the amount of plaster the 'hats' would come too...And paint...Let's not even go there:P My words of wisdom: I've learned you can make anything work....WITH ALMOST NOTHING! heehee For example...The sheep horns are Styrofoam balls, hot glue, and aluminum foil... I was totally stuck...on how I would make them...so I just... improvised and made due with that I had... The kids seem impressed with their costumes and that's all that matters to me...But do I wanna see a glue gun in the near future...second thoughts there...Foam, Styrofoam balls, paint? I'll take a 15 min power snooze over that thank you very much:D... But I have to admit...I was tons of fun... Thanks to my sis for her advice, n keeping me sane, unt 'tresting' me when it seemed like it would all just look like a pile of paint, balls n glue mixed together in an organized confusion...I'm happy with how they turned out... Do I have to thank the hole puncher for being the model for my rooster? Noooo? Thought so... But it was such a good model and real skinny too(A) ...AND I didn't have to pinch it once cause of moving (A) JK...I would never:P (Animals in order: Rooster, 2 Camels, dove, donkey, cow, sheep)

I even had some time to be 'thoughtful' this week n I made my awesome MOMMY a christmas wreath:P Sie gleichst and shes wonde
ring why anyone would be crazy enough to buy one when you can make it:P heehee


Hand n Hand said...

You are a super-duper costume maker!! I hope that kids appreciate all the hours you've put in...I'm sure they will and I do too!! Thanks to all my note-worthy advice!! :P haha jk..u deserve all the credit and then some!!!!!!!

And wait till mommy sees MYYYYYYYYY wreath :P haha.... anyways sis u got some questionable errors in your blog.....house for hours??go take a nap!!!

Hand n Hand said...

nooooo i mean house for how...:P

Jaclyn said...

how come we didnt have such gooder costumes when we were in school? *pout* i totally wanna go back now. JUST for that!

Anna said...

Girl, I applaud your effort!!!

you did a fabulous job, we need a teacher like you here at our school, cause our concerts suck.......and I think it might be due to people not putting in an effort when it comes to costumes and props

Good Job!!

♥sMiLeAlwAys【ツ】 said...

lol thanksss girl:) sometimes I wonder if its even appreciated but I know the kids do, so yeah that makes it all worth it:) finished making all the props yesterday, so I can take a lil breather now:D hey kuhmps af usrah:) we need gist:D ha

Tkat said...

these costumes are amazing! srsly girl -- u have talent!!

♥sMiLeAlwAys【ツ】 said...

lol thankss girl:)

Anna said...

our concerts might be on the same day........the 21st?

♥sMiLeAlwAys【ツ】 said...

yap its on the 21st :)

♥sMiLeAlwAys【ツ】 said...

hey ich vihl ach dei blog ohnschaugn:)

Anna said...

mahst meih blog? von ich dah email tat visn, noh tat ich eh invite shikn