About Me

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Hi! Wow I can't believe you honored my blog with your presence:P YOU'RE AWESOME! (Truly:D). ~First and most importantly Jesus is my ~hero♥~ & running at close second, I am an Aunty to FOUR adorable, awesome, precious girls, and ONE gorgeous boy, whom I adore :D....That's all there is to know about me...SRSLY :D

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

♥newest blessing

Proud new Aunty 2
our first little guy!
♥Alexander Dwayne♥
ehs adorable...
unt schotsich...
unt lieb...
This is me...
falling in love all over again:D



Anna said...

congrats girl......vih long vestn ih kenne enjoyeh before he moves out? :)

♥sMiLeAlwAys【ツ】 said...

Well their new-to-them house is ALMOST done....down to the tepich...sooo for a fews day longer at least:D

Hand n Hand said...

jul said...

...vuh...is'n..die...melanie... ?