The fifteen hour bus ride, did little to prepare us. The thoughts of being to different, not fitting in, and being so far away from home assailed us as we journeyed toward Pincher Creek Colony in Alberta. When I think back on it now, it's the best road trip I've ever been on. The scenery, the people and the food were spectacular. We drove into Pincher Creek Colony, mouotains surrounding us, towering up into the sky, majestic. You could see them out of every window, especially gorgeous as the sun started its journey to the other side of the world leaving a canvas of bright hues to fill the sky. The first few hours, were a bit awkward, completely strange surroundings do that to a person. But most of the people had a ready smile, or joke to crack, and as we spent time with them, it felt like we had known them for more then a few hours, for more then a few days. I remember the turning point vaguely, for me that is. Me and a couple other girls went to one of the ladies house to get our hair done Alberta style. Our bus waited and waited for us, and when we finally walked up to it, they were wondering if those Pincher Creek or Riverside girls were coming to tour the mountains with the bus. Snickering we boarded, grinning from ear to ear, eyes widened as we passed, and slowly grins matched ours. Some of the Point women were still waiting and wondering where those Point girls were, their questions were met with a resounding "they just walked past you!!!" I remember one of the Moms asking her daughter: "Is that really you!?!?" LOL We fit in so much, the only thing that gave us away was our dresses without matching sleeves. The women seemed to appreciate it so much that we were trying so hard to fit in and that we were ready to try anything to get to know each other better. It was, epic, splendid, there aren't enough heartfelt words in the Enligsh dictionary to define the trip, the experience. I wish I could write it all down, and tell it word for word exactly like it was, but hearing myself speak of it, kinda makes me wish you were all there to see it and experience it for yourself, for it was so so much more then any words can express. The pictures don't even come close, but they give you an idea, of how different and how amazing the world is, and how much God must love us to create such beautiful scenery for us to look at. His power is evident, in those falling, rushing waters and you can feel your heart being lifted, in praise and thanks for the chance to see it, and for the fact that it exists... I missed the people, I missed the mountains, I missed not doing anything for a few days, being able to take a deep breath of mountain air and not having a care in the world, but home is where my heart is...and even though our scenery doesn't come close, I know I'm right where I'm supposed to be♥ :)....